Davis, Bethune & Jones Wins $13.19M Verdict in North Dakota Railroad Crossing Case

A North Dakota jury awarded $21 Million client David Rentz $13.19 million for major injuries sustained in a railroad crossing collision that occurred in 2012.  The accident occurred at a public crossing that was controlled and required to be maintained by BNSF Railway in McHenry County, North Dakota.

DBJ attorneys Grant Davis, Tom Jones, Tim Gaarder and John Carroll successfully proved to the jury that BNSF held the vast majority of fault for the accident due to its lack of maintenance of the crossing - vegetation overgrowth seriously limited visibility to the oncoming train - as well the train's horn being inaudible to Mr. Rentz until immediately prior to the collision.

DBJ represents those who have been seriously injured at railroad crossings and through other negligence of railroad companies. If you or a loved one has been injured by the negligence of railway companies, please contact Davis, Bethune & Jones today.


Corporate Negligence Suit Ends in $48 Million Verdict for Davis, Bethune & Jones Business Client


Davis, Bethune & Jones Wins $17M Verdict in Cape Girardeau County Railroad Crossing Case